Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday’s Letters

presson{After a l-o-n-g week, I’m pressing on…source unknown}

Dear readers,

I’m sorry my posts have been incredibly sparse recently. This week was so so challenging and I hope to be around more often in the blog world next week!

Dear Friday,

Oh goodness. Thank you for showing up…you’re fully embraced and welcomed. I don’t have many school assignments this weekend to do which makes you even better.

Dear preschoolers,

You’re oh so funny and sweet, but you tested every ounce of my patience this week. Let’s start fresh next week, okay?

Dear mom,

You’re the best. Seriously. You’re my biggest encourager and are always there for me. Even when I called you yesterday feeling so overwhelmed and like the absolute worst teacher.

Dear Bryan and Katie Torwalt,

You’re music draws me in and calms my anxious heart. Thank you for such truth in your lyrics that always turns my gaze toward Christ.

Dear Target,

You’re a weakness of mine. I go in with three items on my “to buy” list and always come out spending at least $25. This usually happens without fail.

Dear readers (again),

May your weekend bring lots of coziness and rest. I hope you’re able to spend sweet time with friends and/or family!


Anonymous said...

I'm the same way, Target is my weakness! Love your blog :)

Unknown said...

Same here for me with lots of things in this post! This week was challenging so I'm taking a break reading blogs and eating ice cream :)

Also, I feel like as a college student, Target is definitely a weakness!

I hope you get to relax this weekend!

xo, gina

Courtney said...

oh goodness, target is a weakness of mine too!

Annie said...

you are a rock star for teaching preschoolers. me and students under the age of about 12 usually don't mix well.

i hope you have a fabulous weekend, Samantha!

Delvalina said...

Dear Samantha
Your post beautiful as always and makes me always come and say something here. I hope you have blessed day and looking forward to visit you more :)

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