Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Wooh! I’m a little extra busy this week with four exams (and two papers) and a class of three year olds at work that are teaching me more about patience than I ever dreamed possible. But I wanted to share with you a miscellaneous post of sorts about what life has looked like lately…


Oh coffee dates.


Hello new car…you were definitely and completely an unexpected surprise!



Sunshine and walking back from class; I get to walk through the quaintest neighborhood on the way back to my apartment.


New puzzles, bubbles, and finger painting in preschool this week!



My most listened to artists lately depending on the “mood.”

That’s all I have for now, sweet friends! Wishing you all an extra special Wednesday!


Katie Cook said...

Wow! Congrats on the new car darlin!! And I LOVE old neighborhoods...i'm always obsessed with looking at old houses:)

Victoria said...

I love your life, right down to the three year olds that show you just how impatient you are!!! You're on your way to something great andyet where you are is pretty great too. Love that car!

Holly said...

Oh I love your new car! Very cool! :)

Heheh I know what you mean about 3 year olds! We planted herbs with ours on Friday, THAT was an experience, thank goodness we were outside, since potting mix was everywhere! :O

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