Friday, April 5, 2013
















If I have to miss work at least I get to spend my afternoon with Tom Hanks and Matthew Macfayden. No complaints on this end.

Dear pink eye,

Please hurry up and clear up. I’ve missed two days of classes and work because of you. Bleh.

Dear spring weather,

I’m so excited that you’re finally making your way to Tennessee. I see lots of afternoons spent outside and driving with the windows down in the near future.

Dear encouraging professors,

I’m so thankful for you. I’m so blessed that I get to pursue my education at this school.

Dear prospective students,

You’ve overtaken campus this weekend and it’s so fun to see you walking around with your parents. It’s hard to believe that I’m almost to the half-way point of college when I feel like I was just in your place.

Dear mail,

You were so good to me today when I opened up my campus mailbox! I squealed when I saw a letter from one of my forever sisters. You made my morning!

Have a weekend filled to the brim with JOY!


Victoria said...

Hate the pink eye, love your "instead" activities!!! :) Congrats on happy mail, progress, and SPRING weather.

Katie Cook said...

Sam, you are So cute! I LOVE P&P...wish I was there watching with you!!!

Katie Cook said...
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Katie Cook said...
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. said...

hope your pink eye heals. Take good care. And so happy you got a letter, enjoy! I know the welding, Igot one too from favorite aunt! :D

Amanda Wissmann said...

Yuck pink eye! I hope you're feeling lots better today!

Have a fabulous weekend friend!

. said...

Darn, so sorry about the typos! That happens a lot when I use the IPad.

Ride Away With Mrs. Ridgway said...

That's cool you get to see some of the Alaskan bush. I teach in the southwestern area. Here's my district's website to give you a better idea...

Would I recommend teaching in a Alaska to young teachers? Absolutely. It has been a life-changing experience and faith tester beyond explanation. If you have the heart and spirit for service and "itchy" traveling feet that ache for adventure, I say do it. :)

Miss Wilson

Jovita said...

Hey Samantha,

Hope you feel better soon! Believe it or not I've never watched any one of those movies so I think that's going to be on the to-do list one of these upcoming holidays!

Jovita xo

Rosala said...

Eww! Pink eye is horrible. I hope you get better soon!

Oh, I wish encouraging professors taught every class. That'd make me happy:)

Elizabeth said...

You've got mail is the BEST

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