Dear Vanessa (one of my best friends),
I’m incredibly thankful for our friendship and how you constantly encourage me to pursue Christ and His calling on my life. You know me so well because you sent me this yesterday and I couldn’t love it more! It’s so so true. And I think my future hubby needs this shirt… :)
Dear snapchat,
How was I missing out on you until this past week?! You’re too much fun.
Dear roomies,
You make studying and everything else much better. You make me laugh every single night. You’re the best!
Late night study break to take pictures. Oh! The boy doesn’t live with us if you were wondering…he’s one of my roomie’s boyfriend.
Dear preschoolers,
Let’s tackle this Friday head on without any meltdowns or tantrums, okay? You’ve thrown me through a loop this week and I’m constantly learning from you. Even though this semester has been tough, I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with you.
Some funny moments and sayings from this week…
One of my girls looked up at me and whispered, “Miss Samantha, you’re just the sweetest!”
If you’re a teacher, you’ll know that kids LOVE to bring you flowers (a.k.a weeds) that they pick specially for you on the playground. I have a handful of “flowers” by the time we go inside everyday…I kind of love it.
Another one of my girls will start to break dance if you provide a beat or song for her. Too funny!
I tell my kids that they make my heart grow when they share (a HUGE issue for 3 year olds!) and they love it! Whenever they share they turn to me and say, “MISS SAMANTHA WE MADE YOUR HEART GROW!”
Dear snail mail,
You’re my favorite. I love checking my campus box to find sweet surprises and I’m pretty sure handwritten letters/cards are one of the ways to my heart.
Dear windows-open weather,
I can’t get enough of you! Being able to open the windows in my apartment and getting to roll the windows down in the car makes me one happy girl. Can you see the sunshine streaming through the window below? Happiness.
Here’s to a productive weekend before finals start next week! Much love to you, today.
I LOVE that tshirt! And kids really are so thoughtful. :) That last picture of you is so cute. You look so happy!
Love that shirt!!!! I need to get one for my boyfriend!!! Hahahaha!
Iris♥ @ The BlueBirdhouse
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